Step 1 of 8
In addition to sharing openings with families looking for child care, this survey provides stakeholders a snapshot of actual child care capacity, enrollment and openings in both the local communities and statewide. This data can be helpful for planning purposes and to identify additional child care needs in the community.
DCCC – Child Care Centers
DCFH – Family Homes
DCGH – Group Homes
DCEX – License Exempt Program
EXEMPT – Exempt Program
1. Multiply the number of part time children by .50.
2. Add the total number of part time children to the full time children enrolled.
For example. full time children enrolled= 10 + part time children enrolled = 5 x .50 = 2.5. Total number of children enrolled = 12.5
211 Child Care calculates the total number of full and part time children enrolled. A part time child is defined as attending less than 30 hours a week. 211 Child Care calcula el número total de niños matriculados a tiempo completo y parcial. Un niño a tiempo parcial es definido como aquel que asiste menos de 30 horas a la semana.
To calculate part time enrollment, follow the guidelines below. Para calcular la matriculación a tiempo parcial, siga las directrices a continuación.
1. Multiply the number of part time children by .50. 1. Multiplique el número de niños a tiempo parcial por 0.50.
2. Add the total number of part time children to the full-time children enrolled. 2. Sume el número total de niños a tiempo parcial al número de niños matriculados a tiempo completo.
For example. full time children enrolled= 3 + part time children enrolled = 5 x .50 = 2.5. Total number of children enrolled = 5.5. Por ejemplo. niños matriculados a tiempo completo = 3 + niños matriculados a tiempo parcial = 5 x .50 = 2.5. Número total de niños matriculados = 5.5
Está informando de inscripciones que superan un recuento de 2. Las regulaciones requerían que un asistente aprobado estuviera presente.
Si no acepta uno de los grupos de edad que se enumeran a continuación, ingrese cero (0).