OEC Family Survey

Office of Early Childhood
The Connecticut Office of Early Childhood is seeking information from families of children birth through age 12 about their child care experiences. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of care has changed. Many families’ needs regarding care have changed as well. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes, and families who take the survey are entered to win a $100 electronic gift card!

The information gathered through this survey can help Office of Early Childhood address challenges facing families and early childhood programs in our state. Thank you!

English survey

2-1-1 Child Care Provider Survey

Provider Open/Closed Status Reporting

If you are a provider we would like to know if your are open

Click here for the Provider Status Survey

Please resubmit the survey to update your status any time it changes.


Notice For the latest information, resources, and guidance related to coronavirus (COVID-19), visit ct.gov/coronavirus




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