Children's Health & Development
Children’s Growth and Development
Social and Emotional Supports
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Healthy for Life
Child Care Options
Types of Child Care
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Summer Camps
Out of School Time Care
Choosing Quality Child Care
What Does Quality Look Like?
Selecting a Provider
Preparing Your Child for Child Care
Options to Help You Pay
Tips For a Successful Arrangement
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Provider Portal
2024 Availability Snapshot
Average Child Care Cost
Annual Child Care Capacity, Availability and Enrollment Survey 2019
Annual Child Care Capacity, Availability and Enrollment Survey 2020
Number of Deaths, Serious Injuries, Substantiated Child Abuse & Neglect in Child Care Settings
Child Care Program Closure Report
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Contact Us
Digital Fingerprinting Agreement
Please review the Digital Fingerprinting Policies before completing the Agreement.
Site Name
Site Requirements
I agree:
ALL appointments will be made available to area providers the day after the Appointment Schedule is due.
Inform 211 Child Care staff of any COVID-19 procedures.
Prepare an ENCLOSED ROOM with no foot traffic prior to our arrival.
Provide ADULT-SIZED table and chairs.
Ensure an electrical outlet for our equipment without the need for an extension cord.
Ensure that the room must meet standard environmental requirements such as maintaining a minimum temperature of 65 degrees and not exceeding a maximum of 76 degrees.
a staff member from your location to remain on the premises for the entire session.
No fire or lockdown drills will be schedule while 211 Child Care staff are on site.
You and your staff agree to the NO SHOW POLICY.
You OR an Alternate Contact will be available one day prior to the session by phone or email for a COVID-19 Pre-screening.
We will NOT conduct the session if the site does not meet ALL of these requirements.
Inclement Weather Clause
If 211 Child Care leadership is unable to cancel 1 day prior, you will be notified by both phone and e-mail the morning of your session. If we are unable to reach you by phone, we will call your alternate contact. Please be sure that the phone numbers you provide will be the best numbers to reach you or the alternate site contact in the event of a same-day cancellation.
Alternate Contact
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Agreement Statement
I have read and understand the details and policies pertaining to the Digital Fingerprinting Session that will be conducted by 211 Child Care staff.
Please contact fingerprinting@ctunitedway.org with questions.