Legal Attestations for Centers

By entering my name below, I certify that all information provided as part of this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I agree to each of the following statements; 

  • The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) may monitor this application and use of funds to ensure the accuracy of the information provided and the proper use of funds 
  • All child care programs that receive funds may be subject to audit and may be required to submit supporting documentation. I agree to provide information and supporting documents as requested by the OEC 
  • OEC staff members may access the child care facility for which this application is submitted, information and documentation related to the application and use of funds, and interview child care staff members in connection with this application and the use of funds received 
  • Providing false or inaccurate information on this application or improper use of funds will result in the return or repayment of funds and I agree to repay funds as required 
  • OEC will be promptly notified of any changes to information provided in this application 
  • Supporting documentation must be retained for a period of three years and promptly submitted to OEC upon request including but not limited to; 
    •  Program records and supporting documentation related to this application 
    • Documentation to verify attendance of children and/or hours of care provided outside of business hours 
    • Expenditure records and supporting documentation related to costs incurred and how program funding was spent, including but not limited to; 
      • Mortgage/rent/space cost statements
      • Utility statements
      • Payroll and benefits records  
      • Original invoices and/or receipts for purchases of materials/supplies 
      • Documentation of other benefits provided to child care staff members such as coverage of insurance costs or tuition reimbursement 
  • Funds expended shall not be used to cover costs which have already been funded by another state or federal source 
  • The child care program for which this application is submitted is currently open and serving children and was open as of May 1, 2021 or October 1, 2021 
  • All funds received from this child care stabilization fund will be used for the following purposes; 
    • Staff compensation including wages, bonus payments, costs of insurance coverage, educational advancement or tuition reimbursement 
    • Operating costs including rent, utilities, and insurance costs 
    • Expenses incurred due to temporary closure or low program enrollment during the pandemic 
  • Child care programs that wish to dispute the amount of funds received through this program may submit a written statement detailing the reason their award was incorrect and submit such statement to