The following checklist can be used when looking for child care. When looking at child care we encourage parents to ask questions about what their child’s day would be like, how providers handle discipline and to look closely at the environment where the care is taking place. The checklist provides quality indicators and some ideas as to what to look for when looking for child care.
Site Visit Checklist
- Clean, colorful and in good repair
- Safe places to play both inside and outside
- Child proofing (medicine out of reach, cleaners in locked cabinets, covered electrical outlets)
- Emergency procedure plans are posted
- Fire extinguisher and smoke detectors are visible
- If there are pets, are the pets vaccinations updated?
- There are different areas for activities
- Toys and materials in good condition
- Meal or snacks served are healthy
- Children’s voices sound happy and at reasonable noise level
- Caregivers voice is calm
- Music plays or there is singing at some time during the day
- Good health habits are followed (hand washing, diaper changing, food preparation)
- Children supervised at all times (even during nap time)
- Schedule of activities posted
- Children seem comfortable, happy and enjoying themselves
- Children are comforted when needed
- There is a daily method of communication
- Security methods are in place
- Do you feel your child will be well cared for?
- Do you feel the program is safe and cheerful?