Provider Orientation (POP) Registration

Please Note – This class is a ONE TIME training requirement. If you already completed it, you DO NOT need to take it again. 

Provider Orientations (POP) are mandatory trainings for all home based Care 4 Kids providers (licensed and unlicensed). These trainings will focus on health and safety, child development, Care 4 Kids procedures, and CSEA-SEIU information. Upon completion of orientation session attendance requirement AND issuance of an approved child care certificate and payment from Care 4 Kids, a health and safety materials kit valued at over $150.00 and a $75.00 stipend for attendance will be provided.

Requirements for In-person and Online Trainings: 

  • Photo Identification – Acceptable Identification includes the following:
    • Out of State driver’s license
    • Valid passport
    • Connecticut driver’s license
    • Non-Driver Photo ID
    • Military Identification
  • Attendance for full length of training. For online trainings, your camera must remain on for the entire training. 
  • Participants will be required to sign in and sign out to verify attendance. For online trainings, attendance will be taken every half hour. 
  • Trainings are for adults 20+ years and older.  No child care available.
  • All unlicensed home-based providers must be related to the child by blood, marriage or adoption.
    • This means the child is a grandchild, great grandchild, niece, nephew or sibling (only a sibling living outside of the child’s home) to the provider. 
    • If you are not related, you must have a license from the Office of Early Childhood Division of Licensing to provide child care.

Trainings offered in person. 

  • You will receive an email with directions about entering the building. Please be advised you will need to wear a mask at all times and maintain the required social distancing protocols. Resources and handouts will be provided when you arrive. If you do not receive the email, please contact or call 1-800-505-1000. Partial attendance cannot be given credit.
  • Please arrive promptly for your training, no late entries are allowed. 

Trainings offered online in a virtual classroom through Zoom.

  • You will receive a link to the online orientation training 10 days before the start date of the orientation. A link to the handouts and materials will be included in the confirmation email. If you do not receive these emails, please contact or call 1-800-505-1000. You must have reliable access to the internet, have a camera and be able to hear sound and speak in order to participate in an online orientation. Please set aside time for the provider orientation and plan on being on camera, which will include using audio and video. Partial attendance cannot be given credit.
  • Participants must be on time for the C4K provider orientation. We are not able to admit late entries.

If you need to attend an orientation and cannot find an available date, please contact

Para asistencia en Español, favor de ponerse en contacto con 2-1-1 Child Care al 1-800-505-1000 or Registración para la Orientación de Proveedores de Care 4 Kids

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