Children's Health & Development
Children’s Growth and Development
Social and Emotional Supports
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Healthy for Life
Child Care Options
Types of Child Care
Finding a Nanny or a Babysitter
Summer Camps
Out of School Time Care
Choosing Quality Child Care
What Does Quality Look Like?
Selecting a Provider
Preparing Your Child for Child Care
Options to Help You Pay
Tips For a Successful Arrangement
Becoming a Child Care Provider
Training & Professional Development
Quality Improvement
Resources for Providers
Provider Portal
2024 Availability Snapshot
Average Child Care Cost
Annual Child Care Capacity, Availability and Enrollment Survey 2019
Annual Child Care Capacity, Availability and Enrollment Survey 2020
Number of Deaths, Serious Injuries, Substantiated Child Abuse & Neglect in Child Care Settings
Child Care Program Closure Report
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Contact Us
Reason for Closure
The Office of Early Childhood notified us that you have closed your business. We are contacting you to learn the reason why you made this decision.
La Oficina de la Primera Infancia nos notificó que ha cerrado su negocio. Nos ponemos en contacto con usted para conocer la razón por la que tomó esta decisión
Please select the reason you closed your business. Seleccione la razón por la que cerró su negocio.
Business Not Profitable/ Negocio no rentable
Career Change/ Cambio de carrera
Changed Ownership/ Cambio de propiedad
Job Related Stress/ Estrés relacionado con el trabajo
Lack of Benefits/ Falta de beneficios
Lack of Funding/ La falta de fondos
Loss of Lease/ Pérdida de arrendamiento
Maternity Leave/ la licencia por maternidad
Medical Reasons/ Razones médicas
Moved/ Mudar
Retired/ jubilado
Returning to school/ Regreso a la escuela
Please enter your license number. Introduzca su número de licencia.
Please enter a number from
We want to thank you for your service to the children and families in your community. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Queremos agradecerle por su servicio a los niños y familias de su comunidad. Le deseamos mucha suerte en sus esfuerzos futuros.