What happens the day of the observation?
The assessor will arrive 15 minutes early and ask the following questions:
- Room Number?
- Lead teacher’s name?
- Additional teacher(s) Names?
- Are there any children present today who are unable to communicate with you in the same way as other children in the class because they have a severe language delay?
- Are there any children present today who need information presented to them in a different way because they are dual-language learners?
The assessor should observe:
- Observations to inform judgments about implementation of practices associated with the Pyramid Model should be conducted for at least 2 hours and should include both teacher-directed and child-directed activities as well as transitions (TPOT, Research addition page 1). Meals, snacks, outdoor play and special activities should not be observed.
- The TPOT includes an interview component. Time should be set aside at the end of the observation for interviewing the lead teacher. The observer may suspend the observation if the class does an activity the assessor does not observe.
The observer will not interact with children or staff during the observation. They are there to observe what the children experience. The observer must take detailed notes and observe all activities, interactions and the schedule.
What happens after I complete the request for an Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool?
Your request will be reviewed and if additional information is needed, you will be contacted. If your request is complete, you will be contacted within 5 business days to schedule an appointment with a reliable TPOT assessor.
The assessor will schedule an agreed upon time to observe a randomly selected classroom. Typically, observations are scheduled from 8:30am-11:30am or 9:00am-12:00pm. The majority of children must be present during the 3-hour observation.
What happens after the observation is complete?
The observer will not give feedback after the observation is complete. Once the observation is complete, you will receive a written report within 3 business days of the observation.
What is the cost of the observation?
The cost for an Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool is $500.00. You will be billed by the United Way of Connecticut directly after the report is complete.
How do I request an Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool?
A request must be submitted for each program. The following information will be requested:
- Date of Request
- Program Name and address
- Contact Name, Email and Phone Number