Annual Child Care Capacity, Availability and Enrollment Survey 2019

2-1-1 Child Care conducts an Annual Capacity, Availability and Enrollment Survey during the fall of each year. The purpose of the survey is to provide a “snapshot” of the availability of child care in Connecticut and the number of children served. Licensed and licensed exempt child care programs are surveyed to verify if they are currently operating, the ages served, capacity, vacancy and enrollment based on full time equivalents. The survey is available each spring.

This is the most recent information available. For more detailed information on how to interpret/utilize the survey, please contact 2-1-1 Child Care at 2-1-1 or 1-800-505-1000.


Summary Reports (Statewide)

Child Care Centers by Town

Child Care Centers Regions by Town Report 2019 excel

Family Day Care Homes by Town

Family-Day-Care-Home Regions by Town  2019 excel

Nursery Schools  by Town

Nursery School Regions by Town 2019 excel


To view previous year reports please click here