Training & Professional Development

2-1-1 Child Care provides a wide variety of professional development options that are available at no cost.  Our Early Childhood Specialists facilitate professional development throughout the state in person or virtually.

Provider Orientation (POP) training for Home Based Care 4 Kids Providers

Provider Orientation (POP) training is a mandatory training for all home based Care 4 Kids providers (licensed and unlicensed). This training focuses on health and safety, child development, Care 4 Kids procedures, and CSEA-SEIU information.

Current Provider Orientation trainings in your area.

Health & Safety Training

The Office of Early Childhood is excited to offer Health and Safety trainings to home based  providers for free. First Aid/CPR and Medication Administration courses are available. Center based programs searching for a vendor that offers training for First Aid, CPR or Medication Administration Certification can click here.

Click here for more information about Virtual Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED with CT Supplemental Materials and the required in person skills assessment

Current Health & Safety trainings in your area.

Family Discussion and Resource Group

Child Care providers did you know that your program can host a Family Discussions and Resource Group for families enrolled with children from Birth to 8 at no cost? Parents can also take advantage of Family Discussions and Resource Groups by attending a community session. An Early Childhood Specialist will provide a presentation for families followed by a discussion and resources. 
